
Forthcoming events

Julseminarium 2024

Wednesday, 18 December, 15:00
Rättegångsalen, Södra Huset C, Plan 4

Past events

Watch the conference about Text and Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence and Copyright

Conference on Text and Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence and Copyright

On June 14 2024, Swedish Library Association, Wikimedia Sverige, and the Institute of Intellectual Property and Market Law at Stockholm University, in collaboration with Knowledge Rights 21, hosted a one-day conference dedicated to exploring the intersections of Text and Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Copyright and Libraries.

Boksläpp Cross-Border Trade Secret Disputes in the European Union

The Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law Invites you to a book launch on the 31st of January 2024 at 2-4 PM to discuss and celebrate Lydia Lundstedt’s new book. Professor Ulf Maunsbach (Lund universitet) will present the book and discuss it with the author.

IFIM Julseminarium 2023

IFIM:s julseminarium har sedan många år varit ett tillfälle för nyantagna doktorander att på ett tidigt stadium presentera och diskutera sitt forskningsprojekt. Årets evenemang är inget undantag, och IFIM är glada att hälsa Juridicums senaste doktorand i immaterialrätt – Måns Svennem-Lundberg – välkommen. Presentationen kommer att följas av en allmän diskussion där auditoriet ges möjlighet att reflektera och kommentera.

Seminar on the attribution right of employees


Intellectual property rights over the years developed with the central notion of protectable intangible object and the doctrines have become formulated in object-centric manner, defining the eligible subject matter, delineating the scope and determining the available remedies for their infringements. One consequence of the object focused evolution is that the creators and inventors have gradually become equally ‘objectified’ – considered token or highly abstract concepts, rather than persons. This is reflected in the diminished sense of moral claims left with the authors and inventors, limited to non economic right of attribution. Even the recent discussion of intelligent machine is framed as the applicability of the abstract concept of inventor and authors to AI, but rather we no longer discuss how to fairly treat the genuine authors or inventors, who are alienated from their own creations after the transfer.

Second Intellectual Property Researchers Network Meeting

Second intellectual property researchers network meeting

Welcome to the second meeting of the Swedish IP Researchers network to discuss challengesand opportunities in IP research, get inspired and inspire, meet new colleagues, and explore future cooperation possibilities!
Under the iniative of IFIM and Tema Q with the support of Swedish patent office and Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.

Institutet för Immaterialrätt och Marknadsrätt (IFIM) bjuder in till boksläpp

The Autonomous Legal Concept of Communication the Public.

Recent and Upcoming EU Tech and Media Freedom Regulation – To Brussels and Beyond

Over the past few years, the European Union legislature has adopted several landmark pieces of legislation that have had a profound impact on the media and tech sector, as well as individual Member States (and, due to the ‘Brussels Effect’, non-EU countries). They include, for example, the General Data Protection Regulation, the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, the SatCab II Directive, the Digital Services Act, and the Digital Markets Act. Currently, Sweden holds the Presidency of the Council. During this period, additional key legislation like the Data Act, Al Act, and the European Media Freedom Act are being negotiated.
Join us and our experts from both academia and the Swedish Government for an afternoon of discussions devoted to evaluating both the current state of the law and anticipating what the future will hold. You can join us in person or follow the discussion online.

Seminar with two judges from the EPO Boards of Appeal

Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM) invites you to a presentation and discussion of post-published evidence and EBA:s preliminary opinion in G 2/21 with Roberto Romandini and Martin Müller.

Technical Board of Appeal 3.3.02 has by interlocutory decision T 116/18 referred numerous questions to the Enlarged Board of Appeal pending under G 2/21.

The Enlarged Board of Appeal has given a preliminary opinion regarding the questions. This preliminary question and the subject of the matter: post-published evidence will be the topic of this seminar.

Come and hear the thoughts of two legal members of the Boards of Appeal, namely Martin Müller and Roberto Romandini.
Martin Müller was appointed Member of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO in 2010. In 2019 he became chairman of Technical Board of Appeal 3.5.06, one of the boards dealing with computing technology and artificial intelligence, and Member of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the EPO.

Roberto Romandini was appointed legal Member of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO.

IFIM Uppsatsseminarium

Trots avsaknaden av fördjupade diskussioner och fakta om deepfakes finns det exempel på inslag både inom svensk och EU-rätt som talar för att lag och praxis förslår att hantera och bedöma sådana AI-assisterade skapandeprocesser. Däremot behövs det en större belysning av om AI kan medföra en ändring av den traditionella synen på personligt skapande som förutsättning för upphovsrätt. Tekniken deepfakes tyder hittills på att även om AI spelar en stor roll i den kreativa skapandeprocessen, så är det fortfarande upphovspersonen som kan styra resultatet. Däremot är det inte osannolikt att gränsen mellan den personliga och den tekniska insatsen slätas ut med tiden. Frågan är då vad för slags ensamrätt som innehavaren/skaparen av deepfakes kan göra anspråk på.

IFIM Uppsatsseminarium

Johanna Liljenberg har frågat om det upphovsrättsliga lärarundantaget skapar en rimlig balans mellan lärarens intresse av skydd för upphovsrättsliga verk skapade inom ramen för sin anställning och arbetsgivarens intresse av att nyttja sådant verk. Ger den så kallade tumregeln en rimligare balans mellan parters intressen? Behövs det i något av fallen ett uttryckligt lagstöd?
Hennes undersökning mynnar ut i att det skulle kunna göras en rimligare avvägning mellan lärare och lärosäte om allmänna regler om upphovsrättsövergång i anställning används, inklusive tumregeln. Tumregeln skapar en flexibel tolkningsregel, och något behov av reglering i lag bör därmed knappast finnas. Ytterligare prejudicerande praxis kunde vara önskvärd.

Distinctiveness and likelihood of confusion in recent EUIPO BoA decisions

The Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM) at Stockholm University is honoured and delighted to welcome once again Mr Gordon Humphreys, Chairperson of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) First Board of Appeal, for an overview and discussion of some of the most notable decisions of the EUIPO Boards of Appeal concerning distinctiveness and likelihood of confusion.

Juridicumforskare bland de främsta i sociala medier

Sociala medier växer allt mer som en kanal för forskningskommunikation och har kommit att bli en mycket viktig del i omställningen mot ett öppet vetenskapssystem. Rätt använda kan kanaler som Twitter, LinkedIn och Facebook stärka en forskares profil i vetenskapliga och andra sammanhang. De kan generera i nya samarbeten, väcka nya idéer och vara ett sätt att nå ut med sin forskning till den breda allmänheten – utanför den trogna skaran inom det egna ämnet.

The DSM Directive 3 years on: The Polish challenge to Article 17 and the national transposition maze

Three years after its adoption, the discussion of and around the Directive on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market 2019/790 (‘DSM Directive’) is anything but exhausted. The fate of one its key provisions – Article 17 – is still unknown due to the pending judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (‘CJEU’) in Poland v Council and Parliament, C-401/19. A significant number of EU Member States is yet to complete the national transposition process, despite the deadline of 7 June 2021. In all this, existing national transpositions already show significant divergences in the Member States’ approaches to the implementation of the Directive. The Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM) at Stockholm University is proud and delighted to announce its new, in-person event, which will be held in English at Stockholm University on Thursday, 2 June 2022 on the topic of: ‘The DSM Directive 3 years on: The Polish challenge to Article 17 and the national transposition maze’. IFIM is honoured to announce that the keynote address will be delivered by Henrik Saugmandsgaard Øe, appointed Advocate General in C-401/19 and author of an impactful Opinion in that case.

Shaping the Digital Services Act: What impact on intellectual property? – Recording

Following the publication of the European Commission’s Proposal in late 2020 and the adoption of negotiating mandates within both the European Parliament and the Council, trilogue negotiations are currently underway to define the eventual shape of what is expected to be a seminal piece of legislation in the EU: the Digital Services Act (DSA).

IP and Regulatory Rights in the Age of Personalized Medicine –

To celebrate the launch of Evergreening Patent Exclusivity in Pharmaceutical Products (Hart, 2021) by Frantzeska Papadopoulou, on Tuesday 15 March 2022, the Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM) at Stockholm University will host an online conference to discuss the current state and future of patent law and regulatory rights in the very exciting new field of personalized medicine.

Shaping the Digital Services Act: What impact on intellectual property?

Following the publication of the European Commission’s Proposal in late 2020 and the adoption of negotiating mandates within both the European Parliament and the Council, trilogue negotiations are currently underway to define the eventual shape of what is expected to be a seminal piece of legislation in the EU: the Digital Services Act (DSA).

IP and Regulatory Rights in the Age of Personalized Medicine

To celebrate the launch of Evergreening Patent Exclusivity in Pharmaceutical Products (Hart, 2021) by Frantzeska Papadopoulou, on Tuesday 15 March 2022, the Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM) at Stockholm University will host an online conference to discuss the current state and future of patent law and regulatory rights in the very exciting new field of personalized medicine.

An authoritative guide to the DSM Directive

Earlier this year, Oxford University Press published Professor Eleonora Rosati’s latest book. Eleonora’s commentary has now been reviewed by Sir Richard Arnold, Lord Justice of Appeal of England and Wales, who has stated:”This is Rosati’s third book on EU copyright law in only eight years. During that time, she has established herself as one of the leading experts on EU copyright law. Her standing is illustrated by the fact that, for the second time, Advocate General Szpunar has contributed a complimentary Foreword.

IFIM Holiday Seminar

As it has been the tradition of IFIM for several years, the IFIM Holiday Seminar features junior researchers. This year’s event is no exception and IFIM is happy to have, as speakers, three researchers who have successfully defended their PhD theses at Swedish universities in the course of 2021.

Each individual speaker will focus primarily on an important decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union and explain its broader relevance and effects.

Each presentation will be followed by a short commentary offered by a senior researcher or professional.

The Making of EU Copyright Event Recording

To celebrate the publication of Eleonora Rosati’s Copyright in the Digital Single Market. Article-by-Article Commentary to the Provisions of Directive 2019/790 (Oxford University Press), the Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM) at Stockholm University hosted an online conference devoted to discussing The Making of EU Copyright. With a stellar cast of speakers, the discussion developed into three main directions: the role and legacy of CJEU case law for EU and national copyright systems, the rationale and effects of EU harmonization, and the impact that the rules contained in the Digital Single Market Directive 2019/790 will be having on EU and national laws and practice.

IFIM conference “EU Copyright Law: State of Play and Future Directions

The IFIM conference “EU Copyright Law: State of Play and Future Directions” was held on 26 May and featured all Authors of the individual chapters of The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law edited by IFIM Director, Prof Eleonora Rosati.

Personalized Gömböc donated to Stockholm University

In Spring 2021, the Law Department at Stockholm University was presented with its own personalised Gömböc!

Stockholm is the first law department in the world to receive such a donation, which the Hungarian Ambassador to Sweden personally delivered to the Head of the Department, Prof Gustaf Sjöberg. A more formal ceremony is due to take place in September 2021, provided that this is possible due to the ongoing COVID restrictions.

Joint IPKat-BLACA-IFIM Rapid Response Event on CJEU YouTube/Cyando Ruling

Do YouTube and cyberlocker Uploaded directly perform copyright-restricted acts? And, following from this: what is the relationship between the InfoSoc right of communication to the public and Article 17 of the DSM Directive? At what conditions is the hosting safe harbour available? And what about intermediary injunctions?

Copyright in the Digital Single Market

Prof Eleonora Rosati has authored an article-by-article commentary to the provisions of Directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market. The book will be published by Oxford University Press later this year. For more information, click here.

EU Copyright Law – State of Play and Future Directions

To celebrate the publication of The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law, edited by IFIM Director, Prof Eleonora Rosati, IFIM is delighted to host an online conference to discuss the current state and future of EU copyright law together with the authors of the individual chapters of the Handbook.

The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law

Prof Eleonora Rosati‘s edited collection, The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law, has just been published by Routledge in both hardback and ebook formats. This book provides a definitive survey of copyright harmonization in the European Union, capturing the essential and relevant issues of this relatively recent phenomenon.

The Year of the COVID Vaccines

On 8 February 2021, IFIM held its online webinar ‘The Year of the COVID Vaccines‘ with nearly 450 registered participants.

European Law Review Article

IFIM Director Eleonora Rosati’s article on the concept of ‘new public’ in the EU right of communication to the public has just been published by the European Law Review. The article, which has been already cited by Advocate General Szpunar in his Opinion in VG Bild-Kunst, advances a new reading of the notion and role of this elusive criterion under copyright law.

The Guardian Interview

Recently, IFIM Director Eleonora Rosati was interviewed by The Guardian for an article discussing copying in the fashion industry. Dr Rosati explained the requirements for a finding of liability and the evidentiary challenges associated with them.

IFIM Holiday Seminar 2020 – Tales of the New Doctors of Law

On 17 December 2020, IFIM held its annual Holiday Seminar, which featured talks offered by three emerging IP researchers based on their recently concluded PhDs.

Universitetsvägen 10C,
Södra huset, Frescati
Plan 9
114 18 Stockholm